The Second Hand section is an area on our website where you can make contact with a buyer or seller as the case may be, sharing a common interest whether it be that you wish to locate a difficult to find item, or whether you are wanting to pass a piece in your collection on to the next person. It is up to the two of you to determine the financial and shipping details, we merely facilitate your initial contact for you to pursue the matter further. We do recommend you use Paypal “for Goods and Services” for transactions to offer the most protection. Please be quite clear as to whether it is something that is wanted, or something being offered. Also be as descriptive and accurate about the condition as possible, and finally state where the item is located, and where you are prepared to ship it to. Please include an image. We recommend a JPG image roughly 900×900 pixels and 800Kb in size.

Unlike other sites we will display your item for at least a month or until sold. Folks do take note of what is posted so you could find that you are contacted at a later time when it becomes available or when funds become available as the case may be. We also charge a small admin fee upfront for posting the info, 5% of the value if it is a sale ( regardless of whether the sale is successful in any specific time period), or $5 if it is something you are wanting. We will take the trouble to try to portray your information in the best position and manner possible. This takes time.

Please be sure to read the terms and conditions HERE

When you are ready to start, please purchase your spot on our shop HERE